
Responsible according to § 6 TMG (law on telemedia services):

ZinnBöcker Rechtsanwälte
Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Dr. Philip-André Zinn
Dr. Christian Böcker
Dr. Ute R. Gotha
Friedrichsplatz 10
D-68165 Mannheim

T +49-(0)621-178-2382
F +49-(0)621-178-5204

The lawyers of ZinnBöcker are admitted to the bars by the chamber of lawyers (Rechtsanwaltskammer) in Karlsruhe (Reinhold-Frank-Str. 72, 76133 Karlsruhe). They underly the federal regulations of lawyers (BRAO), those of the profession of lawyers (BORA), the rules of specialized lawyers (FAO), and ­ as far as international matters within the EU are concernced ­ the rules of profession of lawyers in the EU (CCBE). The law of lawyer’s fees (RVG) applies to questions concerning fees. The aforementioned rules are accessible on the homepage of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers ( under the category “Berufsrecht.”

The lawyers of the firm are covered by a liability insurance of the Allianz SE, Königinstrasse 28, 80802 München, in the entire EU and European Economic Space.

Dr. Christian Böcker is also admitted to the bars in Spain as abogado at the “Ilustre Colegio de Abogados of Madrid” (chamber of lawyers of Madrid: C/ Serrano 9 y 11, E-28001 Madrid, He underlies the Spanish rules of the profession of abogados, such as regulated in the Estatuto General de la Abogacía Española.

Our VAT identification number is DE 246055098.

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